Bowen, Sauna + Scrub.
What is Bowen, Sauna + Scrub?
This session is a great combination of integrating Bowen therapy with hot/cold therapy using the sauna and the option of a cool shower with the house made guasha body scrub to polish the skin, from head to toe.
So the session starts with 30 minutes of bowen therapy - aiming at a basic body balance. This relaxes the body as a whole, softens tension and releases trigger points, renewing flow throughout the body.
You then go upstairs to the infrared sauna dome and you have this space to yourself for roughly 35 minutes and you lay in the sauna for 20-30 minutes -aiming for a full body deep sweat, flushing the lymphatic system- which removes stored waste from the body. By cleaning this system we can improve our immune system, improve our energy levels and decrease inflammation and soreness from the body.
At the end of the sauna, you come down stairs to the bathroom and shower. Here you have time to cool the body and if you choose use cold water to give the body the contrast from hot to cold and this also has a very stimulating effect on the bodies immune system and supports your circulation. Once cooled, you use the supplied house-made guasha scrub to exfoliate away dead skin cells, viruses & bacteria on the skin and feel renewed and refreshed. This can be used on the face and whole body.
This is a great regular session to do as it’s supporting the body to relax, release and renew.