Our Services.
Find a service for you.
Bowen Therapy
This session supports the body to hydrate the fascia, alleviate trigger points and tension, and help the body achieve its natural alignment, resulting in pain relief and improved functional movement.
55min Session - $120
Lymphatic Flow Techniques
This wellness session includes Bowen, manual Lymphatic techniques, application of lymphatic stimulation cream, and massage. This session helps detoxify, improve circulation, move fluid, and drain, allowing space for regeneration and rejuvenation.
2hrs and 30min Session - $299
Sauna Dome
By getting in the sauna and making the body sweat, we deep cleanse the skin and the lymph fluid on the body, this removes toxins from the body which we keep stored inside if we don’t sweat. The sauna dome uses Infrared technology to heat the body from the inside out. There is no steam, it’s an easier heat to tolerate.
$65 for a 30 minute sauna session
Please allow 45 minutes, as you can shower at the end of the session.
Bowen, Sweat + Scrub
These sessions are designed to help you absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins through your skin. During these sessions, your body will be stimulated, scrubbed, and soaked to support circulation, cleanse your skin, absorb nutrients, and soothe your nervous system.
1hr 15min Session - $165
Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT or also known as Tapping, is a technique used to work through emotional blocks and emotional trauma stored in the body. It’s a very simple technique which is gentle but extremely effective at addressing deep emotional wounds and releasing the energetic charge tied to the memory. It can be used on the young to very old, its safe and easy to learn and is a great skill to use through out life as a tool to keep shifting on out emotional charge as it comes up.
55min Session - $120
Workshops & Classes
Coming soon! I plan to offer some new classes and group challenges all with a focus on wellness - feeling and living better, teaching techniques To support the body to function and flow at its best - At your personal best, because everyone is an individual and so different, so learning and tweaking ways to personalise what works for you.
Learn more about our various classes and workshops, as well as their pricing, by clicking here
Body Support Products.
Organic Tea
Castor Oil
Chelsey Jean Lymphatic Products
Magnesium Flakes
Bicarb Soaks
Epsom Salts
Magnesium Cream